1.Teacher :What happened in 1809?
Student: Abraham Lincoln was born.
Teacher :What happened in 1819?
Student: Abraham Lincoln was ten years old.
2.A teacher asked student, What is the full form of Maths?
The student answered, ‘Mentaly Affected Teachers Harrasing Students’
3.Teacher asked, If I saw a man beating a dog and stopped him then what virtue would I be showing?
The student replied: BROTHERLY LOVE
4.Teacher: How old is your dad.
Student: He is as old as I am.
Teacher: How is it possible?
Student: Because he became a dad only after I was born.
5.Teacher: Whats the meaning of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?
Student: Bamba’lakkadi Jimba.
Teacher: I dont understand anything you said.
Student: Same here.
6.Teacher: Suppose, you have offered money and knowledge. You have to take one of them. Which one you should choose?
Student: Money.
Teacher: I would have taken knowledge. But why do you take money?
Student: I have the lack of money that’s why. You have the lack of knowledge. That’s why
7.The maths teacher asked Little Billy “If you have £20 and I ask you for £10 as a
loan, how many pounds would you still have?”.
“Twenty” came the reply.
“How so?” enquired the teacher.
“Just because you ask me to loan you £10, it doesn’t mean I am going to”.
8.A schoolteacher sent a letter to all parents after day one of the new term which said “If you can promise that you will not believe all that your child says goes on at school, I will promise you that I won’t believe all that your child says goes on at home”.
9.A young boy was teaching mathematics to a young girl, saying that this was his good deed. He kissed her; he then kissed her again; he kissed her a third time adding “There, thats addition”. She silently gave him the kisses back sweetly saying ” So that will be
substraction?”. They then kissed each other at the same time. Both smiled and said together ” That’s multiplication.” Just at that moment, the young girls father arrived. He kicked him for two blocks exclaiming “That’s long division”.
10.teacher:”why are you late”
mani:”there was a man who lost a 100$ note”
teacher:”that’s nice.were you helping him look for it?”
mani:”no,i was standing on it.”