Husband Sent an Sms to Wife

coming in my life and makingit worth living. You're great.She replied that sms: drunk !ok now come home quickly.. don't beafraid.. i won't say anything..!!Husband: thank you.

Amazing And incredible Facts

Fear Of Books is called BibliophobiaA parasite exists that destroys the tongue of a fish and replaces its tongue with its own body.France didn't stop executing people by guillotine until…

Very Funny Bhabhi Jokes in Hindi 2023

एक बार बीवी ने पति से पूछा अजी ये गैंगबैंग क्या होता है😮पति ने कहा यह तुमने कहां से सुना 😠😠पत्नी ने बोला मैंने कहीं पढ़ा था👩🏻‍🦰पति सहमते हुए जवाब…

Girl is Walking Through a Cemetery

“there must be a rational explanation.”She slowly retraces her steps and walks towards the direction of the sound - tap, tap, tap.There, sitting on a grave, is a gentle old…

Quotes on Smart Work vs Hard Work

Hard work pays off and pays the bills. Stay dedicated it’s not going to happen overnight. It doesn’t matter if you work till your back cracks as long as it’s…
ईसबगोल की भूसी खाने का तरीका – फायदे और नुकसान

ईसबगोल की भूसी खाने का तरीका – फायदे और नुकसान

ईसबगोल की भूसी का उपयोग करने के तरीके ईसबगोल के फायदे-isabgol khane ke fayde ईसबगोल की भूसी के नुकसान ईसबगोल का उपयोग कैसे करें ईसबगोल की भूसी खाने का सही…

Wife Decide Husband Future

Once Wife Goes to PALM Reading Astrologer Astrologer :- Do You Want to Know Your Husband Future Wife:- Rubbish I Will Decide His Future!! You Tell Me His PAST