Posted inFunny jokes
Posted inFunny jokes
Dogs will be Doggs – Funny Jokes Hilarious
The neighbor's cat, my master's leg, the couch,you name it. Plus, I peed in the corners and chewedthe mail every time it got delivered. So they're goingto neuter me to…
Posted inFunny jokes
Group of Drunk Blonde
head and pulls the trigger. BLAM!! She drops dead.Maddie goes next, saying "Well, I hope I have better luck than Kiersten!" and BLAM!! She drops dead.Vicki takes her turn, saying…
Posted inFunny jokes
Funny Long Dirty Jokes
1.A man playing on a new golf course got confused as to what hole he was on.He saw a lady playing ahead of him, so he walked up to her…
Posted inFunny jokes
Dog & lion
seems tougher then he looks, I better leave while I can".Over by the tree top, a monkey witnessed everything. Evidently,the monkey realizes the he can benefit from this situation bytelling…