Posted inFunny jokes
Posted inHindi Jokes Non Veg
संता ने मंगवाई एक ambulance🤣😂
दीजिये, क्या आप मुझे सुन रहे हैं?संता-हा हा माफ करना, मुझे cannaugtplace की spelling नही आती हैं।इसलिएमैं उसे घसीट कर minto road पर ले आया हूँ।आप minto road की spelling…
Posted inFunny jokes
James Bond Walks into a Bar
The intrigued women says "Astate-of-the-art watch? Whats so special about it?"Bond explains "It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically".The lady says "Whats it telling you now?" "Well, it…
Posted inFunny jokes
Funny Call Girl Jokes – Memes
A young man and his date were parked on a back road some distance from town. They were about to have sex when the girl stopped. “I really should have…