Prefer Your Wife Not Whisky

Husband was sipping his whisky, while sitting in the balcony with wife and he says, “I love you so much, I don’t know how I could ever live without you.”…

Non Veg Jokes in Hindi for girlfriend

लड़की लड़के से: तुम मुझसे झूठ बोलने की कोशिशबिलकुल भी मत करना वरना मैं पकड़ लुंगी।लड़का लड़की से : सच्ची! तब तो मैं रोज झूठ बोलूंगा औरतुम रोज पकड़ोगी।लड़की :…

A Man Goes to the Dentist

“Well, that would be unusual, but we could do that. It would be about $75.”The man thinks some more.“What about if you used a trainee and no anesthetic?”“Well,” said the…