Husband was sipping his whisky, while sitting in the balcony with wife and he says, “I love you so much, I don’t know how I could ever live without you.”…
Here you can read the best short jokes with twist and plot twist jokes and huge collection Long jokes For Adults enjoy and laugh. you won't be able to stop…
लड़की लड़के से: तुम मुझसे झूठ बोलने की कोशिशबिलकुल भी मत करना वरना मैं पकड़ लुंगी।लड़का लड़की से : सच्ची! तब तो मैं रोज झूठ बोलूंगा औरतुम रोज पकड़ोगी।लड़की :…
“Well, that would be unusual, but we could do that. It would be about $75.”The man thinks some more.“What about if you used a trainee and no anesthetic?”“Well,” said the…
Naturally the police find him pretty easily.When he gets to court though his case is thrown out by the judge.When asked why he let a serial killer go, the judge…