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Posted inFunny jokes
Sit With My Wife
An old lady was getting on the bus to go to the pet cemetery with her cat's remains. As she got on the bus, she whispered to the bus driver,…
Posted inFunny jokes
Rude Man Walks into the Bank
with this man. The manager, hearing the story, goes back to the man to see what the problem is.After asking the man, he responds with " There is no fucking…
Posted inFacts And Education Health
अपनी एकाग्रता शक्ति कैसे बढ़ाएं – Increase Concentration Power in Study Hindi
एकाग्रताको प्रभावित करने वाले कारक ऐसी स्थितियाँ जो एकाग्रता को प्रभावित करती हैं ये टिप्स भी आपको एकाग्रता शक्ति बढ़ाने में मदद करेंगे। कंसंट्रेशन पावर कैसे बढ़ाये ? यदि आपको…
Posted inFacts And Education Health
Judwa Bache Kaise Hote Hai – जुडवा बच्चे कैसे होते है
जुड़वा बच्चे होना कितना आम हो सकता है ? जुड़वां अपेक्षाकृत असामान्य हैं। अमेरिकन सोसाइटी फॉर रिप्रोडक्टिव मेडिसिन (ASRM) के अनुसार, 250 गर्भधारण में से केवल एक में जुड़वा बच्चे…
Posted inFunny jokes
Couple on First Date
One couple were on a first date at a fancy restaurant when silence fell over the table. The woman told her date to tell her something that would set her…
Posted inFunny jokes
Women on a Road Trip
Four women go on a road trip. No real reason, they just need to blow off some steam. They pick a random highway and start driving. They're having a great…
Posted inFunny jokes
Two Gay Men In The Bathroom
There were two gay men in the bathroom at their home, and one was putting Vaseline on his chest. The other gay man asked him, “Why are you putting Vaseline…