A Blonde was Summoned – Blonde jokes

"I don't mind answering the question." "I object!" the defense said again."No, really," said the blonde. "I'll answer." The judge ruled: "If thewitness insists on answering, there is no reason…

A Young Boy Says to his Father

you gone by the school?""Not yet.""Well when you do, come and see the gym teacher also.""Why?" asks the father. "Well we had a gym class today, and he asked me…

एक औरत 🧍‍♀️बाबा जी के पास🙂 गयी – Funny jokes in Hindi

औरत – मैंने शनिवार को🙂…व्रत रखा, तेल चढ़ायाफिर भी मेरा बेटा🧒🏻 फेल क्यों हो गया?बाबा – बालिके🙂, मैंने तो कहा था कि सब “सनी💃🏻” का दोष है🤣😝🤣😂

A Blond Cop Pulls Over

cop opens it,takes a look inside, hands it back, and says,"I'm sorry ma'am.If I knew you were a cop,I wouldn't have pulled you over."